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Exodus Arcon

By Janice Seagraves

The first three books in the Chronicles of Arcon Series.Planet Arcon is in trouble. Before their planet tears itself apart, The Arcons built three colony ships to take them across the stellar reaches of space… towards Earth their new home. But, only the ruling class and the most brilliant minds can come. The rest must take their chances with the lottery.One family cheats.The Arcons are coming…. Are you ready?


Books › Science Fiction


By RG Vasicek

“This book is an experience, a corruption of perception and processing, where material information is photographed, processed, altered, repurposed, and evolved - stamped - virally injected - influenza projected - ectoplasmically - onto page, then onto retina, finally into consciousness; a deluge of full-on black ink - built out of glitchy, indistinct, vague photographic forms, resembling processed images, but are evolved inkblots amassing inside the book's interior substructure themselves. Warping. Taking control. Paving a way for yet another literary scene to awaken, to take comfort in the fact that you can write and create as passionately, and as gorgeously as R.G Vasicek does."- Zak Ferguson (Author of Interiors for ? series)


Books › Science Fiction

Rogue Marauder: The Adventures of Haunalyn, Korbot, and Sneighd; book 1

By Cherie Dawn Waggie

Things don't always go as planned for Denovan freighter pilot, Sneighd Arkon. Keeping his battered freighter flying isn't always easy. He refuses a lucrative job offer from Sinnetian Syndicate Boss, Baquar Starka but accepts a loan from him in order to keep his freighter functional, even though he knows doing so is a bad idea. Baquar Starka isn't one to forgive or forget slights. The syndicate boss activates a plan to kill two birds with one stone. He murders a Galactic Corporate official, then manufactures evidence that lands the murder squarely on Sneighd's shoulders.Starka's plan fails when Sneighd receives help from Tendrite Portmaster, Korbot Maka and an 18-year-old Rhadurian pilot, Haunalyn, who find themselves embroiled in a gun battle between Sneighd and Baquar's men. When Sneighd's freighter is disabled, the only means of escape is in Haunalyn's Rhadurian hauler, the Rogue Marauder.With Starka, the Galactic Corporate Police, a hired...


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Freedom Hold

By Romana Drew

Kaylee's dreams ended when the Langons, huge, furless aliens, ordered her to marry Ralaf. She runs away to find a mythical place called Freedom Hold, where Cadorie live free. There she meets Gillis, the son of Freedom Hold's leader. Together, they plot to free their world. But that brings the wrath of the Langons down upon them.


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Harry Heron: Savage Fugitive

By Patrick G. Cox

In Harry Heron: Savage Fugitive, Book Four of the Harry Heron Series, Harry and Ferghal lead a band of fugitives of the Fleet in a battle against the Consortium on Planet Lycania inhabited by the very canine-like Canids.There are three things you need to know about Harry Heron and Ferghal O'Connor: *Born in the late 1700s, they catapulted through time and space from the gun deck of the HMS Spartan during a sea fight with the French in 1804 to the starship NECS Vanguard in 2204. *Best friends since their boyhood in Ireland, they're smart, savvy, and fearless, as loyal to each other as they are to the British Royal Navy and the North European Confederation Fleet. *A juggernaut of wits, wit, and boundless energy, they show the twenty-third century how it's done when it comes to outwitting the Consortium, navigating any type of ship, and harnessing artificial intelligence to their keen advantage.


Books › Science Fiction

Harry Heron: No Quarter

By Patrick G. Cox

In Harry Heron: No Quarter, Book Three of the Harry Heron Series, Harry and his best friend Ferghal O'Connor are cadets at Fleet College, eager to master their skills in preparation for commissioning to a ship. They've barely stepped foot on campus when they realize they’re targeted and sabotaged at every turn, but this doesn't stop them from exuberant participation in the Sailing Regatta, the Gun Run, and the usual flirtations and hijinks of college life. Meanwhile, the Consortium, supporting the Johnstone Group, does everything in its power to keep them from testifying at an enquiry to expose Johnstone's questionable research practices that nearly killed Harry in their secret laboratory on the planet Pangaea. No quarter given, none asked, Harry and Ferghal overcome every obstacle with youthful vigor and optimism, intelligence and training, and prove valuable to the Fleet as junior officers of the NECS Leander in the ongoin...


Books › Science Fiction

Harry Heron: Into the Unknown

By Patrick G. Cox

In Book Two of the Harry Heron Series, a freak accident on board the HMS Spartan during a sea battle with the French navy in 1804 catapults Midshipman Harry Heron and his shipmates Ferghal O'Connor and Danny Gunn four hundred years into the future, landing them on the NECS Vanguard, flagship of the World Treaty Organisation Fleet. While Captain Blackwood and Major Heron sort out the mystery and determine whether the young men are alive or dead, Harry and his friends are faced with the challenge of learning new roles aboard a spaceship. Just as they have found their footing, they are called upon to assist the Fleet in a rescue mission on the planet Pangaea, giving them the opportunity to prove that their unique skills from the past are still very relevant in the far distant future.


Books › Science Fiction

The Abduction Chronicles

By Thomas L Hay

A bizarre, compelling, and mind blowing Sci-fi adventure, with a sound track to boot. Join the 'Kid' on his incredible life's journey as he unravels the secrets behind his abductions and comes face to face with his abductors. 


Books › Science Fiction

Woke: Cool Assassins 1

By J. O. Quantaman

Visualize life in the 2070s. Climate has turned dangerous. Corporations have usurped human rights, and democracies are threatened.Dog Breakfast (DB) co-op stands as a lone bastion of freedom and common sense. The operatives of DB are in a fight for their lives, for corporate mercs outnumber them by thousands to one.“Woke” introduces striking characters who’ve elevated martial arts to another level. Yet empathy may be their best weapon. Readers, prepare for a rambling narrative seldom imagined since “1001 Arabian Nights”


Books › Science Fiction

Captain James Heron First Into The Fray: Prequel to Harry Heron: Into the Unknown of the Harry Heron Series

By Patrick G. Cox

The year is 2202, and the recently widowed Captain James Heron is appointed to stand by his next command, the starship NECS Vanguard, while she is being built. He and his team soon discover that they are battling the Consortium, a shadowy corporate group that seeks to steal the specs for the ship’s new super weapon. The Consortium hires the Pantheon, a mysterious espionage agency, to do their dirty work as they lay plans to take down the Fleet and gain supreme power on an intergalactic scale. When Pantheon Agent Bast and her team kidnap Felicity Rowanberg, a Fleet agent and friend of the Captain, this clash of titans becomes personal. Bast is an expert in bio-disguise and evades several traps as Fleet Security close in. The Captain honors his oath to the Fleet and his growing love for Felicity, and takes decisive action to thw...


Books › Science Fiction

The Superflare

By Andrew G. Berger

How far would you go to survive in a post-apocalyptic world?When a gigantic solar storm hits the earth in 2051, a worldwide EMP destroys almost all digital devices and power supplies. Life in the clean cities collapses. They sink into barbarism and chaos. The artificial super-intelligence Tron withstands the EMP in a shielded bunker and disempowers the people.In the turmoil of this apocalypse, Julia (17), a girl from a clean city turned living hell, meets Winston, an 18-year-old settler, whose village lies in the wilderness and whose people strictly reject any use of digital technology. The catastrophe made the once separate worlds collide.Together Julia and Winston have to go through many adventures and battles. They have to fight tooth and nail to stay alive. To survive and to find their own way, they have to question themselves and the principles of their worlds. But Winston and Julia also discover their love for each other an...


Books › Science Fiction

Wedding Games (French Edition)

By Charly Farrow

Vous ne pourrez pas y échapper !Pour réduire la surpopulation, le gouvernement français, en collaboration avec l’Allemagne, a décidé de mettre en place des arènes.Tout jeune ayant dix-huit ans doit se trouver un compagnon ou une compagne d’infortune afin d’affronter quatre-vingt-dix-neuf couples.Cam est la dernière d’une famille de six enfants. Elle a vu ses frères et sœurs partir et, parfois, ne pas revenir de l’arène. Elle est prête à tout pour survivre.Raphaël vient d’une famille riche et pensait échapper à ce rite de passage. Il se retrouve forcé à combattre alors qu’il est contre la violence.Ils n’ont rien en commun et vont devoir s’unir pour affronter les autres. Survivront-ils aux autres couples et surtout à leurs différences ?


Books › Science Fiction

O'nora (French Edition)

By Charly Farrow

Les femmes sont en voie d’extinction.Cinq cents ans après une pluie de météorites dévastatrice ayant presque anéanti l’humanité, la natalité s’est effondrée. Les filles sont devenues rares. Pour les protéger du monde devenu hostile, elles sont enfermées jusqu’à leur majorité.O'nora est l’une d’elles.Pour ses dix-huit ans, ses parents organisent un mariage arrangé avec un important chef de village, Warren. Lunatique, pénible, autoritaire, arrogant et très beau, il ne la laisse pas insensible !Mais son futur mari cache un lourd secret qui va à tout jamais faire basculer le monde de la jeune fille...Découvrez cette saga romance paranormale qui ne vous laissera pas indemne !


Books › Science Fiction

Artémis Leroy: Tome 1 : Crier au loup (French Edition)

By Charly Farrow

L’expression Crier au loup fonctionne-t-elle quand on est une louve-garou ? Vous avez 4 heures !Artémis est presque comme les héroïnes des romans qu’elle vend : belle, drôle, intelligente et c’est une louve-garou !Une renégate, plus précisément. Elle a rayé un trait sur son ancien monde et vit une parfaite vie de libraire. Enfin, presque… Sa meilleure amie et patronne est une sorcière blanche et surtout, Artémis est une Maître. Un statut très rare au sein des loups-garous, car elle partage son corps et son esprit avec Kira, sa louve.Sa vie tranquille bascule quand elle découvre un meurtre à côté de chez elle. Un renégat a été sauvagement assassiné.Artémis n’a d’autre choix que de contacter l’Alpha de la meute locale, le séduisant et taciturne Thomas. Elle l’ignore encore, mais cet assassinat va la forcer à replonger dans son passé !


Books › Science Fiction

La flèche du Scythe (Les chroniques merveilleuses) (French Edition)

By Sébastien Morgan

La mission était simple : tuer le roi barbare. Yares, auxiliaire scythe de l'armée romaine, ne s'attendait pas à déclencher catastrophes sur catastrophes en réussissant. Mais tout meurtre a un prix. En tuant le fils de la sorcière Alara, Yares déclenche une malédiction qui fera trembler l'empire romain jusqu'à ses fondations. Dans un monde où les créatures magiques sont bien réelles, la magie existe et les épreuves sont nombreuses, s'en sortira-t-il ? Car sans le savoir, Yares a mis le doigt dans un engrenage cosmique puissant. Le sort de sa famille et celui de l'empire romain sont étroitement liés. Étranger dans son propre pays, parviendra-t-il à protéger ceux qu'il aime ? Et l'empire romain se remettra-t-il de cette malédiction ?


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